Kokoro Connect
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Some schools require the students to join a club. What happens when you have students who cannot find a club or are not liked in clubs or whatever. That is right you lump them together and make them form their own club. However, something strange happens in this club. At random points in time the club member seem to switch bodies. Not an unusal thing right. I wonder what will happen next?
Season 1 Episode 11
Fair Fight
You know, I have never understood the concept of a fair fight to get into someone's pants. This is one concept that still elludes me in anime. Apparently there is a way to cheat when trying to woo another person? I just do not get it to be honest. I am not really sure what it means. Well I know that it means that no one other person can spend intimate time with another. However, that is about all I know. Of all the stupid things that I can know. Which is kind of hilarious for the perspective of the prize, if you will.
Lets look at it from a harem prespective. Basically you get to sit there and let people cock fight over you. Watching each individual push each other around and beat each other up and make each other miserable. Well maybe I am the only person alive who enjoys watching that kind of stuff. Granted I do think females enjoy pitting men against each other. Then you know it is funny in Hentai too. Because that basically means you get to have X partners everytime you have sex right? I mean you cannot have one person stealing moves from the net or something. Well that or sharing an intimate moment or any of that kind of crap. So you must share the sex and make the poor person in the middle suffer a bit
I still do not understand it. I mean why would you want to know you are fighting someone else? It is even worse in a hentai because then you have to do some sharing. Hmm oh well I guess I am just not going to get the concept. Maybe one day I will, but I think I won't because it is a stupid idea.
Season 1 Episode 3
There is The Twist
Ah ha, at least there is some kind of plot or something going on. Granted I do not think that just saying "Deal with it" is going to make people happy. Oh well, at least this is shaping up nicely. Minus the drama of course. That is one place where I am being nice and annoyed. However, this one seem to be building up into a tragedy. Which is good, I like seeing happy go lucky people suffer a bit. I am not sure why, it just seems more fun that way. I wonder when one of them will swap on a date?
Season 1 Episode 1
The Male Reaction
Any male who watches this anime knows damn well that the first thing any of us would do is play with the boobies. It is too bad that Taichi did not realize what was going on fast enough. I doubt I would have either. However, now I have a new incentive to grab the boobies and play with them the entire time when this next happens. Because we all deep down hope for such things to happen.