Ranma ½
Good for the first 75 or so episodes, then it starts to repeat itself. Would have been better if perversion was through out the entire series
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
So what happens when you are an hyper competitive martial artist? Well you seek out the best training grounds known to man. Sadly you forget that in order to achieve a great reward you have to make a great risk. Oh well you just need to remember not to fall into those cursed springs. To bad for Ranma and his father they chose not to listen and they both fell into cursed springs. Ranma's father fell into the spring of Drowned Panda, and Ranman... well he fell into the spring of the Drowned Maiden. Now both of them are curse, Now whenever Ranma's father is touched by cold water he turns into a Panda. And you guessed it, whenever Ranma gets touched by Cold water he turns into a she.
Then if things were not bad enough, you find out that your father wants to marry you off to a friend who has a training hall. This is so that you can have a training hall to continue your style in. Not to mention the female that your family decides to marry you off to hates men. But what is more important, getting married or becoming a full man again?
That is right we need to get rid of this curse. So we will follow Ranma and all those in his life on his generic quest to become a man again. I say generic because the questing is often put on hold for one dumb reason or another. Can you survive all of this never ending quest to lose your vagina?