Stupid Unified Development Environments
So today I actually sat down and tried to do some more development on the next version of the code for this site. First I started out trying to get mod_python to work. That was pretty much a wasted effort because I could not find any new information on it. This kind of suck, because I have basically found every guide I can to try to set this up. I am pretty sure that I am missing something very simple.. however, right now I am not sure what it is. Sometimes the sys admin work gets annoying really fast. I probably do not have an so in the right place or something.
So instead of running around in circles I decided to put the finishing touches on my blog object. This is when I learned that having a local development environment is... well pretty much pointless. After all GoDaddy is so freaking far behind on their version of stuff, it makes it impossible to set stuff up, in a unified way. After all the version MySQLdb that I have returns a datetime value for the date of my blogs. As where I am pretty sure that the MySQLdb classes on GoDaddy return a string. So there we have inconsistency number 1.... well that is the only one that I have found so far. However, that is pretty big inconsistency in my book. So I am going to have to go back to developing the way I originally did.
Which I guess is not all that bad to be honest. It is nice to know that I have linux to do development work on. After all linux is vastly superior to OSX for development work... in my humble opinion. I am sure there are a few applephiles out there who would like to crucify me for saying that... however... meh I do not really care. I like being able to download modules easily from the internet. Anyway... crap I am still kind of addicted to Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep & Valkyria Chronicles 2. So I have not really watched any anime. I am working on that though. I am still trying to find a good work safe anime to watch at work... it is really hard these day since my work has officially stopped being a cool place. However, that was bound to happen sooner or later. Anyway time to try to get more than 5 hours of sleep. Let me see if I can succeed.