Scott Pilgram VS Anti-Freeze
So, I have been meaning to write a review of the wonderful movie Scott Pilgram VS The World. An interesting tale about this average guy in a band. Who meets this female name Romona Flowers. He pursues her, however, he quickly learns that he has an annoying task to overcome, defeating her seven evil Exes.
So I have not read the original graphic novel this movie was based off of. So I am not going to comment on how the story in the movie differs from the story in the comic. I have to say I liked the basic idea of the story. It is semi-realistic, and does not reach into the realm of demons or aliens, a nice change of pace. However, what really made this movie was the video game and anime gimmicks that were thrown in.
There were all kinds of little gimmicks thrown into this movie. For starters there is a lot of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time music in the movie. You could tell a large portion of this movies budget was spent on adding all anime effects. Stuff like the base sound effect, or the big VS, and the KO. All little gimmicks which made the movie much more enjoyable. These little things gave the movie depth where it had none.
I will say that overall I enjoyed the movie. I would recommend that everyone go see it. Really it is a new concept on how a movie can be filmed. Instead of blowing all your special effects money on robots and ships and explosions. You can have simple things like the word "Thonk" or the pee meter or random scores. Wow this kind of sucked.. I guess I am out of writing juice. Anyway go see the movie, you will see what I am talking about.