Anime & Pedophiles
So recently I watched a journalist go on about how "adults posing as kids turns the Xbox into the seXbox", and I started thinking to myself what about the anime industry. Much like the boy/girl scouts or a church group the anime crowd is pedophile paradise. I know that anime is not as big as video games, however, anime is significantly larger than it used to be. The demographic for anime, the under 18 crowd. Let us start with where fans really get together.
The interenet, most large anime communities are not found in real life. They are found on the internet. So really for pedophiles they are already half way to their next target. They just need to type in "anime forum". That will bring back all the fan boys and fan girls any pedophile could possibly ever want. Hell most pedophiles would just have to go to to being the selection process. After all the only thing that anime fans like to do more than cosplaying is post pictures of themselves cosplaying.
At least with XBox live or the PSN, if there is no video chat, a pedophile is riding blind. When it comes to anime, pedophiles get to see what they are going for. Plus given that most of the favorite cosplays involve a tiny bikini top and shorts they get a good idea of what they are in for. When it comes to males most males are fairly modest... really it is just the females who are not. That is besides the point, the point is that now the pedophile knows if you are worth stalking or not. As we all know cosplay praise is always well received by most anime fans.
So with a little praise and interest the pedophile is on their way to getting their target. Things would not be so bad if conventions were not near or in hotels. However, that is exactly where conventions are. That is all a pedophile has to do lure the fan to a con. Most parents will just drop off their spawn at the con and say " be back later" Since most cons run for 12+ hours there is plenty of time to do the pedophile thing. And this is all for pedophiles who actually want to get some. Really they do not have to try at all.
After all, most the spawn are hyper affectionate at conventions. I always see at least 10 or so separate people walking around offering free hugs. Free hugs, as many hugs as anyone could ever want. That is all a pedophile has to do is walk around a bit and give a hug to every kid with a free hug sign. Or they could take the cute route. Find all the cutest cosplayers and give them hugs. Again most are hyper affectionate at cons. Walk up to a cosplay and say "OMG U R SOOOOOO CUTE!!!111!! Can I have a hug". You will get your hug. So really a pedophile does not even have to try. Which makes me wonder, who the hell actually runs a con.
I mean I have seen the volunteers at cons. They all look miserable. Which leads me to believe that paying people won't make things much better. Especially since most of the people who actually run cons are business people looking to make some money on an investment. Which leads me to believe that all anime conventions are very large pedophile traps set by the government.
Of course that has to be it. The government uses these conventions to identify pedophiles. After all these are anime conventions. Unlike most Sci-Fi conventions there is anime out there that is geared towards females. So there is a wide spread of male and females there. Coupled with the social condition that you have to be a real loser to go to an anime convention when you are out of your 20s... well go by yourself... taking your personal spawn is accepted. That would be a prime ground to pick out pedophiles. All the staff has to do is look for anyone over 30 who has an interest in the convention. It is not like these guys do not have all your personal information. Nor is there not 100 ways to sneak your face into a picture. It all makes sense.
The government is setting its own pedophile traps. By focusing all the pedophiles in one place they can more easily track their crimes. Hell they can even mass arrest those who stay in the hotel on the anime con's discounted rate. It all makes perfect sense now. The government just got lucky. A few sociopathes in the government watch a little anime and figure out a trap. Hmmm... good thing I do my best to stay far away from hugging people I don't know at the cons.