The Hidden Costs of Stuff
So Kotaku brought a rather annoying article to my attention. The general gist of the article is one way parents justify not buying things, in this case a Wii. To be honest I am not sure why I am so pissed at this article. I think that it is probably because of how fucking lame this individual has to be, to think there are hidden costs. Who the hell calls a controller or software a hidden cost?
By this guys definition you cannot buy anything without a hidden cost. So really that would beg the question of why buy anything? I mean I bet this guy owns a house, well obviously that is a shame. After all you have to pay for electricity, water, and gas. All hidden costs that do not come in the initial price of the house. Then there is this individual's mode of transportation. That generally requires fuel, oil, transmission fluid, and coolant. Holy fucking shit the hidden fees are just piling up. After all all the money goes to the same place.
Yes that has to be the the thing. All of the money goes to the same place. Nintendo controls everything that is a part of the Wii. They employ slave labor and brainwashing to get everything involved with the Wii for free. Hence they can line their pockets with money while the ignorant masses willingly poor their money into a hole. That has to be it, why else would everything cost so fucking much. It is not like programming a video game requires specialized knowledge or anything, any schmuck could do it. For that matter why the fuck does everything cost so much.
Hell with the internet anyone can learn anything. So things should be much cheaper. I am still disappointed all the hidden costs I have to pay. Because it is a conspiracy. Why should I have to pay for electricity? After all with a few magnets and some copper I can generate my own power. This is just another scam perpetrated by the rich to suck money out of the poor. The Secret ruling class is keeping the masses poor by lining everything with hidden costs. You want shoes, well you had better be willing to pay for socks. You water to drink, well pony up the five dollars required to buy a few glasses. If it was not bad enough, the ruling class has to offer better glasses.
Yes to keep the working poor blind to their ambitions, the secret ruling class creates different kinds of fluids to fill the glasses with. After all a drink is nothing but flavored water. However, to obtain status we pay the hidden fee for flavor. Any idiot can clean water. However, the ruling class has shown us that it takes a special mind to create flavored water. So we may buy a glass, however, to fill it with a tasty beverage we need to pay money. When the people caught on to this scam, the secret ruling class started charging for regular water. Oh the fees never end.
Of course this could all just be in my head. After all, it is not like doing certain things requires specialized knowledge. Nor does having certain extra things require extra materials. It is all part of the secret ruling classes scam to keep the poor poor. This man is a visionary who just happened to see the truth.