Pokemon Is The Key To The Underworld
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Hmm you know I wonder how I can tap into my abilities as a "Master". Seriously I have wasted 100s of hours playing pokemon. Yet I have not figure out how to make panties fly off of girls who wear short skirts. Hmm.. damn you winter I cannot use sprites to do panty raids in public... while causing rioting and concussions. Damn I must have missed the instructions in the game. How to summon spirits to do thy bidding. I mean is there a chant or something? Maybe it is in the music. I don't know, it is rather disappointing that I missed out on those powers. I think that is why Misty was there.
When I think about it that is why Misty is in the show. She is the one that prevents the unworthy from obtaining the powers. After all look at the way she dresses. Any heterosexual would be mystified by her. Which means I need to find a homosexual who played a lot of pokemon. After all if I am straight I will be lead astry from the guide of how to use the powers by Misty. So I need a homosexual who knows what is going on. He can teach me the ways of using my powers to exploit others. Then again... what if the process turns me into a homosexual.
I mean I really do enjoy boobs. Vaginas are nice too. Hmmm this is a problem, I mean if I turn homosexual I will not be able to use my powers to enjoy boobs. Hmmm this is a problem, because we all know that man boobs are dangerous... and gross. Damn I guess I have to choose... enjoy boobs like a normal reclusive geek, via the Internet. Or should I switch teams? I guess I am not a true pokemon master.
For after all I came out of pokemon a straight man. Someone who was not worthy as I let the Vixen Misty keep me in the realm of mortals. I guess I just have to live with this choice. It is not like I cannot see what I would use my powers for. After all the Internet is a vast wonderland of boobs and vaginas. Then again I cannot use my powers to rob banks either. I just cannot win. Curse pokemon and not revealing the dark arts to me. Or should I curse myself for not being observant?