The World Will End
So I happened upon this article on slashdot. After reading this summary I am convicned that the world will actually end in 2012. Not because some planet will crash into earth. No it is because people on this planet are really fucking stupid. Seriously how fucking stupid can you be to actually believe that the world will end? First off we would see a planet coming.
After all we have plenty of eyes in the sky. We catch pretty much everything that will find its way into the general vicinity of earth. Something the size of a planet would not only be seen years in advance. But we would currently be trying to do something about it if it were actually out there. Namely showering it with all the nukes we have until it was nothing but dust. I mean come on, survival is a pretty high priority of our government.
Well when it comes to the evading some disasters. The generic ignornace of our soceity is not a disaster we can avoid. Then again this might be an ok disaster. Because those idiots out there who are willing to believe that the world is going to end will go through some mass ritiual suicide. Leaving those of us who are intelligent to retake the planet. Seriously, we still have a little over 2 years before anything could happen. Yet people are probably already killing themselves and their various immediate family members. I tell you I just give up.
It is a dark day when people insist that works of fiction are actually preminitions of the future. I just do not understand how we as a society can be so fucking stupid. I really do hope that people continue to freak out and kill themselves. That way we can reduce the number of idiots in the population.