Movie From the Past
Ha ha it is always funny watching movies from over a decade ago. Tonight I just watched Cool World. It was pretty good, would have been better if Netflix had a better disk. However, it was still good none the less. Now I think I have finally seen all of the human/cartoon movies that I would have wanted to see from back in the day. Ah back in the day when PG-13 was entertaining.
It is hard to say what has happened to the standards that label something PG-13. I mean it is such a wide standard these days. To be honest I am surprised that Cool World even managed that rating. I guess it was the lack of language that helped it keep the PG-13 rating. I mean you had sex crazed cartoon characters running around mostly naked. As well as all of the innuendos. Wow, they really walked the line in that one. Funny how these days any movie can rate a PG-13 as long as there is not sex in it. Take Transformers 2 Had that movie come out... 15 years ago it would not have been PG-13. Then you have PG-13 slapped on Harry Potter. But enough about movie ratings, how about the movie itself?
I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. it was a rare movie that had a good story that was easy to follow, yet deep. I won't say it is perfect. For instance why the main character... ummm... whats his name. Could come and go as he pleases. Yet the other character... uhhh... the other guy was pulled in and out of the cool world by the bitch. Or the fact that the movie seemed to resort to random cartoon antics. That got old very fast, watching weirdly drawn cartoon characters bash each other with hammers for two or three minutes. However, those things aside it was pretty good. It is hard to explain why I enjoyed it but lets just say that I think I know what I am taking about.
Man I miss the old cartoon/reality movies from back in the day. Funny thing is those were the high tech movies of the day. If you could paste a cartoon character in with a human character and make it work. Well damn you made a high tech movie. You know I wonder what it would be like if the movie was remade today. We can do some pretty cool shit with the green screen. And god only knows what else will make it into the movie. Maybe there would be boobs, yeah that is what that movie needed boobs.