Practically at the finish Line
Ah god it I am almost there I can almost taste it, it is so close yet so far away, and all that jazz. So in between playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, I have been slowly getting my apartment put together. Just a little over an hour ago I finished getting my video games put together. All I can say is thank god that is done. While the wiring did not come out as nice as I would have hoped, it could have been much much worse. Sadly with my current entertainment center the many cable captures I purchased last year are of very little or no use to me. Oh well guess when I buy my new entertainment center in the future I will take the cable captures into consideration. But for now I am pretty happy with my set up. Now all that is left is the final organization and clean up of the general living area and I am home free. You know when I am not feeling overly lazy from work.
And on the days I am feeling overly lazy I can play Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm. I feel like i can talke about that game here because if I did not know I was playing the PS3 I could swear I was actually watching an anime. It just goes to show you what a system can do if you take the time to make everything work for it. After all if the creators of the game can use cell shading to make crazy ass rendering that looks like an anime, think of what else could be accomplished with a little work. I guess I feel like I am putting off anime. I do not mean too I swear, however, with my current set up it is pretty hard to get the anime to my computer. I need to spend some time with windows 7 and see if i can latch it onto my time machine, I should be able to, as a lot of the new stuff is not on AZNV TV.
Anyway it is not going to be long now, only like another week or two, given my current pattern of laziness. But my apartment will get done, I am having small update withdrawal from all the programing for the site that I am not doing. Plus I am pondering adding a new section to the site, a cooking section. You know because I need a place to store my recipes, and what better place than a database online. I am told my cooking is pretty good. However, that could be my friends just sparing my feelings. But I can stand to eat my cooking over and over again. So hopefully you guys will be able to as well.