The New Place
Well it is finally done, I am.. moved to my new apartment. It is a nice place really, I really like it as my room is larger, and square. I have a pretty good set up going on here if I say so myself. Sadly the move did not go as well as it could have gone. For starters, my apartment complex decided at the last minute to replace the carpet in my apartment. Now this is something that is just fine. However, it is not something that needs to be done at the last minute. These guys had a week to get the place in shape and yet they did what I did and slacked off. So that pushed my moving back by 6 hours. Then what would you know, they forgot to tell me how much money I owed them, that I need proof of renters insurance and my Xcel energy account. Seriously what the fuck is up with these guys? All I wanted to do was move in, and even worse they treat me like I am the idiot for not already knowing. Anyway so after cleaning my bathroom and running around trying to find everything I needed I finally got to move in.
Now let me say that I am not used to all that walking because man did my feet hurt. My feet hurt somthing serious, almost to the point of where I could not walk. And that was all I did for moving, was walk and walk and walk and walk. Granted I was lucky and did not have to change buildings but it was a lot of walking. The best part about this is the fact that you never really realize how much stuff you have till you have to move it in small portions to a new place. Now comes the challenge of reorganizing my stuff. But first came the challenge of getting my ameneties in place. And by challenge I mean spending Lots of money.
I will not say how much money, I will only say that it is a lot. A whole hell of a lot of money. But I picked up some stuff I really needed. Like my cool computer desk. A must have for my new apartment as I no longer have a computer corner. Lucky for me there were plenty of memorial day sales going on. And I must say that I REALLY like this desk. Kind of cheesy in the sense that it is very ummm geek styled. But it is a desk none the less. The other thing I bought was a new recliner. You see I realized something, that most of my older consoles have VERY short controller cords. And this recliner will make it comfortable to play them once again. And I have to say I think I got a steal. According to the place that sold it to me it generally retails for around $700. But I got it for $350. It is really nice, all big and squishy and comfy. It even has a secret arm compartment. For holding beverages and stuff. I tested it out tonight, and I must say I really enjoy it.
Anyway, I need to get back to unpacking stuff. Well more reorganizing my stuff, as I did not pack anything up. It is funny seeing all of my stuff lying about the apartment. Ah what a wonderful challenge it will be to get everything organized before the month is over. But on the upside, I have an excuse to play models with my Video game collection.