The time conundrum
All this upgrading and work on this site has made me want to do more content. However, I am starting to remember why I stopped doing the content in the first place. Well, not stopped more; I just slowed it a bit. There is only so much time in the day, and well, when you have to force yourself to do things, it is getting a bit annoying. Still, I guess that is just how to do things. Then again, I also need the inspiration to do a lot in my life.
For example, video games. Last year I beat more games in the year than I had over the course of almost the past decade. However, I was inspired because the games were very anime. You may have seen the review for this franchise. Still, I was only able to get excited because I was interested in the whole anime thing. I guess I have one more game to play, but I am not feeling excited about something. Plus, I keep getting distracted and wanting to try new games. I guess I will just have to work on that. Then there are the videos that I make.
These are a bit more robotic, I will admit. Still, the challenge is finding the inspiration to keep on doing them. I am not sure what else I can do. I mean, I am not doing anything all that creative, but there is a bit of effort involved in getting them done, and I have to individually upload them, and I want to change my channel names, but I can not do that on some places. Well, the conundrum keeps ongoing. Then you have to couple this with the whole stuff I do on this site.
I will admit I have long been over my watch anime because, well, ANIME phase. Some of these shows just cannot hold my interest as much as they used to. Still, I try to watch them all. The problem is when I am forcing myself, I do not pay attention. Then on top of not knowing everything, I have to find a reason to write reviews and thoughts along the way. That is just annoying too. Even worse is figuring out what I am supposed to do for the actual reviews. I mean, if the anime is bad enough, getting a bad review is easy enough, but when the anime is just meh, nothing stands out. Then there is finally doing just my regular thoughts.
I mean, I am trying to not make my blog exclusively a game review journal. I might as well just make another section if this is the case. Still, I have to write something unrelated to anime and stuff. I guess that is just part of getting old. Your mind slows down, and there is less to think about. It could be my lack of interest in things in general. Well, whatever, I guess that is something I can write about for now. At least I managed to make a somewhat substantive entry for this one.
Anyway, now back to the delicate act of making sure I make content and work on upgrade.