TWEWY - Final Disappointment So Far
So, I remember when The World Ends With You first came out all those years ago. I had only just bought my DS, and I had heard about this cool came that required you to control two players at the same time. I was ready to give such an interesting gameplay concept a try. All the interesting characters, the story, everything about this game was a lot of fun. Of course, it had its flaws, but overall it was fun. Then I heard it was coming on iP[ha][done]. I was skeptical because the game itself was losing one of its best mechanics, controlling two characters at once. Plus it was way too soon for me to be buying a remake. I do try and avoid games like that where they remake them with new graphics. So I decided to skip over that until I heard it was coming out for the Nintendo Switch, and here is where I story begins.
So, let us be honest first, this game qualifies as "HD". However, give the 2D style the art was originally drawn in that is not a huge upgrade. The game itself looked incredible on the DS so there was not much they could to add any real visual appeal. I guess the saturation of the colors is better and some of the particle effects are cleaner, but otherwise, there was not much that could be done with that whole thing. I mean it is hard to tell if Square even did anything. I guess that is to be expected, but who knows these days.
Then there is the control scheme. As I thought the game is way worse when you are not controlling both characters. I can barely figure out how to summon my partner much less know what good she does for me. I am pretty sure that I would be better off without her most of the time. Which is annoying but not unexpected. This makes me lose all hope for the game to be honest. However, there is one saving grace for the game.
There are two different control schemes. At first, I thought that was a stupid idea. Do I have to remember two different ways to play a game? However, as I played it more, it was a nice change of pace. Especially since when you play the game in tablet mode the Switch is heavy and that can get annoying. Still, I am glad that Nintendo did not do anything stupid with that. It would have been wired to try and have to use the Joy-Cons while they are attached to the side of the Switch. Which brings the next problem that the Joy-Cons get in the way of you when you play the game in tablet mode. Still, it is interesting to see them rewire how things work based on the mode.
So yeah overall this game is a bit of a disappointment. The one thing that made the game so much fun was trying to efficiently use both characters and train your mind to be able to handle two separate control schemes at the same time. Not like today, when I do not have to think about how my partner is helping me out, I am easily able to go through and kill the Noise easily. So the game feels like it lacks some depth without the second screen. I guess that I cannot say I have played too much, but still when I get through the first couple of fights and am feeling that annoyed by the game, it is hard not to have low expectations.