Levels of Rewatching
Hmmm so I have run into a bit of a problem sometimes. You see when I want to play a portable game system I tend to like to have background noise on so that I can grind and do stuff like that. Now I have made a mistake when trying to figure out what noise to put on. I guess i need to understand that there are different levels of rewatching stuff. So I will babble-on about that for a bit.
You see what happened is I was scrolling through stuff and remembered how much I enjoyed Hataraku Maou-sama!. So naturally I said this would be a good background set of noise. So I started it off, now aside from the made up language that is spoken in the show, things progressed just fine... for about one episode at which point I started watching more of the show and playing less of the game. I had forgotten how enjoyable that anime was. In the end I basically stopped playing the game and managed to rewatch the entire series. Which is not too bad of a thing I was just a bit miffed when I did not get to watch anything new. Oh well such is life I guess. I will have to figure out a better series to watch.
Next I run into the problem of what series do I put on. You see the anime out there that does not make a huge impression on me has one major problem. I forget what I have actually watched all the way through. So I have to look at titles and wonder exactly what I can do to watch the anime all the way through? Then I have to think did I watch that anime or did I not. The problem is not so much did I enjoy the anime. The problem is did I watch it. After all, if I did not watch it I will again fall into this same hole that I fell into this time. Where I watch the anime instead of playing the game. Which again ins a conundrum. I definitely want to watch the anime, but I do not want to forget the game. Thus we run into another problem where I am watching the anime and not playing the game.
Then there are the anime that I hate. This is a problem that is not as much of a problem but is still a problem in some small degree. Sometimes I just flat out stop watching an anime because it is terrible. Now, most of the time I can remember what anime fall into that category. However, I do forget from time to time which makes it annoying to do this. After all, I cannot have something annoying playing in the background. It is just too annoying and upsetting to watch. So now I have the next conundrum of having to stop playing so I can find another anime. I mean that is not that big of a deal, but you know it is still tedious to have to go through and pause the game or find a save point and stop playing and go back to searching for the background noise.
So yeah this is my current problem how do I do that? I mean I cannot really sit around and remember everything that I have seen, that is really difficult to do. No I have to sit around and do something else. Maybe I need to write an app that will look at stuff for me and make sure that I get some kind of reminder about why exactly I am not watching this anime. Hmmm that would be something that I could do and it would be something that I could do to help my career. However, that comes with the problem of me not watching anime anymore and that is a big problem because I would have to not play video games or watch anime to accomplish this task Hmmm.... that is strange I am not sure what I am supposed to do at this point. Well regardless, this is a conundrum that I have thought up on and will have to think about for a long period of time so that way I can make sure that I am I guess thoughtful about how things are supposed to work out. Never the less, this will not hinder my video game playing for too long as I shall return to a console soon enough.