The Crappy Memory.
You know it is hard when I am looking through my anime and trying to remember all the details of various animes I watched a year or two ago. Take for instance Hand Maid May. I watched through this one, and enjoyed it, to a degree. However, I can barely remember anything that goes on in it. I remember the basic story line. But I cannot remember the things that matter the most, mainly the details. Lucky for me that one is only 12 episodes and afternoon of watching will clear that right up. Provided I do not get distracted by video games.
So I am giving The Last Remnant a small break. I have been to demoralized by the sheer assholeness of the boss fight I am on. It would not be so bad if I could save between the two boss fights. But when you have to spend 30 minuts just fighting a boss to get to the boss you cannot beat, yeah it gets tiresome. So despite my original plan I popped in Star Ocean: The Last Hope. And aside from the cheesy cookie cutter characters I really like this one. Especially the graphics, whatever they did works REALLY well for an anime type game. I like Cel style graphics as well but something about the way this game was made just really works. Then there is Resident Evil 5.
Yet another game that I might feel the vice like need to play. Luckily for me moving Tripping the Rift out of my PS3 staves off that need. But it will rise again. I mean the game is bastardly but enjoyable. Granted I am disappointed at the alternate costumes. Chris's costumes are just fine. It is ummm his partners... whats her name, that I have a problem with. It was like the developers picked out her "clubbing" outfit and put it in the game and went "Wow that really sucks". So the put all their efforts into making another one that was much more fanservice oriented. But I need to see what role Wesker plays in this game. And hopefully we will get to see what happened to Jill.
Gah so much to do, damn all my time consuming vices. Plus damn the need to do recoding of stuff. Gah I have not even started on the better version of my website. Nor have I started on the DHTML portion. God, it is like there is no time. Or I just lack the motivation to actually get things done. Anyway one day till Anime Wasabi. That is happy yet will eat up 3 days. Oh well at least I took off work. Now off to sleep. Until my boss calls me because he forgot I took this time off.