Here comes Anime Wasabi
Well the week is finally upon me, the week of Animeland Wasabi is finally here. It is exciting in many ways. One of the ways being that I am taking Thursday and Friday off of work. Another being the fact that it is a con to go to, that I have properly saved up money for. As far as I can tell, the con will be as average as it as last year. But when you are a small con it takes a year or two or three to get on your feet. But there are plenty of random panels I can attempt to go to. It is always fun to see the meaning of some of the panels titles. I really wish that they would get a schedule up so I can start inputting the schedule into my iPod. Plus I can continue my tradition of paying $35 to spend a good chunk of the weekend playing video games.
Speaking of video games I am trying desperately to beat The Last Remnant. Sadly of all the games I have played over the past few years that one is the most demoralizing of them all. I go off, I spend a few hours leveling up. Only to come back to get my ass handed to me by some boss. And it is not so much the fact that the bosses are stronger than me. It is the bosses are obnoxiously cheap. For instance I am currently stuck on battle with Cyclops and Gae Bolg. Now my buddy the Cyclops gets to use the Gae Bolg attack every 3 or so turns, as the very first attack. So that nearly kills all of my unions, most of the time I have 2 or 3 in the read. Then it becomes a frantic chase to heal everyone before they all get killed. However, the game is being a bastard. It does not let me stand by and wait to heal myself after the Gae Bolg. No no it forces me to attack the Cyclops. And if I am lucky one of my unions will survive long enough to maybe resurrect another union before getting killed. The last time I played I spent 8 turns attempting to resurrect all of my unions before I was finally killed. I just don't get it, I mean there are only so many strategies I can come up with before I just have to give up. God and I am so close to the end of the game too. Oh well at least there is Mad World to take the edge off.
There is nothing more fun the beating someone senseless putting them in a trash can, impaling them with a sign, and then bashing them against spikes. Or just taking your chainsaw and slicing them into pieces. It is all so much fun to do. Mad World lets you do all of that and then some. It is a great way to kill off people you hate, like the idiots you may work for, with your imagination. Now if only there was some kind of decent camera control the game would be perfect.