I Have Already Seen This
You know... I wonder if anyone else out there had the feeling they have already seen something completely new? I mean yeah it happens with anime all the time. That is one of the charms of anime there are plenty of things that are safe and the same. However, my problem is that this is starting to bleed over into reality... oddly enough. Literally, I am not joking about this. I recently went and saw a movie and I thought at the end of the movie "Hey haven't I seen that anime?"
It is kind of strange to think that after seeing something live-action in America. When did that happen... have I completely saturated my anime viewing schedule so much that I am going to start seeing stuff like that more often? I am not sure what to think... it is just strange really. I mean I do not think that when I watch Japanese Drama's
Which is weird to me to be honest. I can watch an drama of a popular anime and not feel this way, but I watch an American movie and I feel strange? I am not sure what is going on anymore. I mean really when did that stuff happen? I mean... yeah it had one of those characters, who I know will survive, who I think should die.. but you know that does not happen too often does it? Hmmm why is it that this is not going to work?
Oh well no real reason to dwell on it too much. I am not going to be one to think about this stuff it seems like I should think about other things. Like my sad feelings about the two anime that have ended that I loved and really should review. I guess I have some catching up to do after all this stuff. Oh well, anyway it was just kind of strange feeling that way after watching a movie. Makes me think... I might be getting near the border of... nah.. there is no way I can watch too much anime. I am sure there are more extreme signs that should be taken into consideration before I say such a thing.