Worst Ending In Fall
So I have been thinking, how can I go about not doing my reviews and instead wasting your time and my space reading pointless text from someone who is too lazy to keep his website up today. That is when it hit me, I need to do an end of season award or two. Now these can be hard because I do not want them to be lame like "Best Show" or "Do Not Watch" or "Best Blah" or "Dumbest Character".. well the character one might be fun scratch that. Anyway, I sat around thinking about what would be a good start for the 2014 Summer Season. Then it hit me, Most Disappointing Ending.
So for those of you who are curious, here are the anime that I feel had the most disappointing endings, in no particular order, Aldnoah.Zero, Tokyo Ghoul, Baby Steps... I think there was a number four but I cannot remember it. Anyway, those are the series that I feel had the worst endings this season. Each has its own reasons for why I thought it would suck. In the case of Baby Steps it ended on a lame as date between two sexually tense teenagers. Aldnoah.Zero just.. well ended.. I mean I guess there is a cliff hanger but not really. Finally we come to the one that I feel was the worst ending possible, Tokyo Ghoul.
So I have to pick a reason why this anime sucked for an ending. Well, the one thing the other two did was at minimum set up another season. There is somewhere more to go, and even better there was at least some resolution.. though not much in the calse of Aldnoah.zero. Tokyo Ghoul goes through this Evangelion style ending where the main character suddenly grows his balls out and becomes a bad ass. However, that is as close to a resolution as you can really get. Otherwise the series, much like Aldnoah.Zero, ended and you are left wondering.
To spoil some things, the series ends right in the middle of some kind of war. There are currently the 3 factions of the good guys, the bad guys and the cops. They are all fighting and killing each other and well that is going on. Then you have Kaneki's buddies trying to save him and there struggle. So there is a lot that is going on. Which is not a bad thing, but you do not start something like this and just end the series.
Not only do they start this, they set up.. hmm I think it is 3 confrontations that are going. However, all three of them just... well start.. you know it is like when you are going to a boss fight and the game dies. Yes it will be epic and great, but you cannot watch it because well the game is not working. So you get to have a lot of characters all lined up and ready to start fighting and... well then the series ends. That does not even include the mysterious new characters.
I am all for showing off other characters who might appear in the next season. However, there are too many mysterious characters from the first season. You have this "Owl" dude of whom gets to be set up as a suicide mission. Then there is the Juuzou guy who just magically appears after another crazy person dies. Plus you have this thing with Touka's brother. So on top of all the other stuff that is happening, we have all these other mystery things that were given life and character that we now have to wait on.
So yeah all in all I had to pick Tokyo Ghoul because the serious just stops and walks away. To find a similar situation, it would be like building a house and then just stopping and walking away. Literally this anime feels like they just ran out of money or something and quit. Which is really sad, because this anime is a great anime with an interesting world that gives the author an excuse to just you know violently kill people. I am not sure if there will be a second season.. I kind of do not want to watch it if it means that I have to support stupid stuff like that. Oh well, the anime is still good, but that does not mean it cannot fuck up royally you know. So please be warned if you have not watched it yet.