Funny Things About Hentai
So I was going to waste some space and talk about the keywords from my google searches, but to be honest this time around the searched keywords are not really that funny or numerous... seems the majority of key words are... well not available for me to see for some reason. So I am going to talk about something that I noticed in Hentai instead. That seems like a way better use of my time.
So have you ever noticed in Hentai how the female never shuts up? I mean really, it is like saying that when you are having sex the female is suddenly incapable of not talking or moaning, yet the male goes mute. Am I the only one who finds that weird? I guess I have not watched any 18+ yaoi stuff... but even in Yuri, both girls are having a conversation. The only thing that is funnier about it is the fact that the female just repeats herself. She is constantly talking about how huge the male's unit is, how deep it is penetrating, indication that she is achieving orgasm, indication that she knows the male will achieve orgasm, or something about how badly she wants the male's semen. I mean really, you would think that the grunting and stuff would be enough... I guess you need dialog during sex.
Then you have the males, they are all super human. I think that is another weird thing about the males. First off the control when their erection goes away. I mean I guess you can control that to a degree.. but I would not know for sure. I mean it is just not hentai if the female cannot get the male off with every possible means. The next part that is hilarious to me is the fact that the males are never tired after sex. Seriously, you see the females collapsed on the group panting and falling asleep because she has worked so hard lying there and taking cock. Yet the male is just up and ready to go back to whatever it was he was originally doing. You know like nothing actually happened. "Alright I have expelled my semen back to work". I am pretty sure sex can be some what exhausting when you are moving around a bunch maybe I am mistaken. Then there is the quantity of semen.... not to pick at the fantasy but... you know the body has a finite amount of fluid right? Just another thing that kind of amuses me about hentai.
Then there is my favorite part, the fact that no one can hear you while you are having sex in Hentai. You could be in the park in the middle of the day on a weekend having sex in the bushes and no one will hear you. Now that might be some what normal after all when people do stuff like that they tend to keep their mouths shut. However, you enter in another rule of hentai. The female can only control her moaning when she has to multitask. Otherwise she is basically.. well screaming in pleasure. I mean maybe it is amplified for the hentai. However, that does not make it any less hilarious. You have the boy and girl in the locker room having sex in a stall and the girl is just moaning her brains out and pretending like no one can hear. Some how no one does and everyone is okay.
So yeah it is kind of fun thinking about hentai sometimes. I guess there is more I could talk about... like how ever sex rarely is a female not turned into a sex addict... that is a fun one... you know regardless of the situation. That was always a fun thing to think about. There is also the fact that there seems to be some kind of fetish about not bathing for days before having sex... however, I cannot really rant on those for more than a couple of sentence. I guess I should work on promoting my website or something.. or you know actually trying to make lots of content or something... but that would require effort on my part and well.. we all know that effort is something that I am just not capable of putting forth. So I hope that in the future I will be able to get some funny keywords to laugh at.. otherwise I have to blog about even more random nonsense.