Listen To Me Tell You What To Watch... Again
So then let's talk what you should watch for the rest of the season. I am pretty happy to report that it was pretty easy for me to pick out these shows. I guess that is the curse of some seasons. Some of the new shows have all the pep and other ones just have some of it. Which leads them to get pushed to the side so I can enjoy the other good shows more. Blah blah blah disclaimer that you can read in the last post.
So let's start things off with the obvious one Sabagebu!. This is one of those crude humor ones where all the girls are crazy narcissists who play survival games for fun. I was pretty much sold on this one when they showed the actual survival games as being what was seen in the heads of the girls as they play them. Nothing is more hilarious than seeing the girl with big tits get shot to death through her nipples. Plus any anime that is willing to work an eating disorder into it just for a ridiculous laugh is an anime worth watching in my book. So yeah, if you are not watching this one please do.
Next is Barakamon, this is one that I was pretty wary of at first. I tend to watch out for these "Discovering one's self" anime because they tend to be rather dry and empty. Yeah they tell a good story, but most of the time it is just pointless drama with a happy ending. Barakamon, surprised me by actually being entertaining. I think that the whole romantic idea that everyone in a small town is super close makes this anime. I mean where else would a random adult let all the young females in town just break into his home? That right there is something that is new. Plus the complete clash of the main character with the cast makes the anime interesting to watch as well. The only downside to this anime is the fact that there is not more calligraphy in it. I am very interested in how one does calligraphy and most anime with a central theme like this tend to have one. Well regardless, this anime is a rare breath of fresh air.
Here is a wild card for you Locodol. One look at this anime screams nonsense moe garbage. However, I was wrong, once again. This anime is much more than that. I really think the fact that everyone in this anime is just "winging" the whole idol thing is great. It is not like most idol anime where the girls spend days in their sexy dance practice outfits dancing and singing and bonding. No instead they just sort of show up and be cute. Plus there is the whole stalker yuri side that makes the anime something to pay attention too. You never know what random wrong things will be said. Though it can be kind of rare.
Onto the mech one for the season Aldnoah.Zero. From the outside this anime has all the trimmings of your standard mech anime. War between two cultures, using mechs to fight. However, this one won me over with the main character who is surprisingly unphased by everything. His lack of expression adds a subtle bit of comedy to the anime. I mean he is the one who orchestrates the plans to take down this vastly superior enemy and he is treating it like he is just doing homework. That just adds that small amount of... well zest to make things just so much more entertaining. While everyone screams he rolls his eyes. Then he just shrugs it off when the job is done like he was not really doing anything.
Last is Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, another that I was not expecting. In all reality everything about this anime screamed knock-off of Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation only centering around a female instead of a male. Much to my surprise the anime has some kind of depth and story to it. True it is the love story between the cute tiny girl with a crush and the large, blunt, clueless guy. However, anime like that has plenty of charm to it. The anime is not just a bunch of random shorts with no real meaning. The entire cast actually has some what meaningful interactions which is something that is rare and good. True the show feels kind of random, but it is not random enough to make it bad. So yeah, pick up this one if you are looking for a good random comedy to relax to.
Alright actual work for the website is pretty much done. These are the anime I would keep watching or start watching if you have not already started watching them. It is rare to find myself anticipating so many anime. Normally I have to struggle to find the ones that I should put here. So this year was a very nice treat. Anyway I hope this helps you save a bit of time over the course of the season.