Don't Waste Your Time 2014 of the Summer
For the few fans of this blog that are still out there it is time for another late edition of the what not to watch blog. Another day when I have to figure out what is not worth your time because your time is meaningful. As always these are in no particular order just written as they are chosen. I do not review second seasons either to make my job easier. So then let me figure out where do I start with this list?
Oh I know, I will start with the anime that I have already dropped, Glasslip. This anime is about as slice of life as you get, I mean that as an insult. I mean really, you have everything is standard. First off you have the love polygon. With the main character being the one who has no crushes or anything like that. She of course is the object of one of the guys. Who has the love another girl and so on and so forth. We even have the most standard number of friends 5. Even better we have the most standard of character archetypes. You know such as Normal, sickly, loser, cool and so on. Then lets put the cherry on top with the sixth soon to be friend in the jerk transfer student. Plus we will put in super powers. Needless, to say I do not want to think about this anime any more so I won't and neither should you.
Next is Himegoto, what can I say about this one. Oh yeah, it is just upsetting panty shots. You know the one where you see the cute girl and here panties contain what you keep in your pants. I guess people get off on the whole trap thing, but geez... traps are so very annoying any more and this one is WAY overdone. I mean really it was like watching Akia only you have to look at panties that contain balls for the entire episode. These are not long either... regardless, you should not waste your time on this one.
Moving onto Rokujouma no Shinryakusha, this one just recently fell over the line. It was good up until the most recent episodes I watched, episode 5 and 6. Sigh... then it became standard all the girls want to do the guy and they all want to be buddies. Maybe I am just saying this one is not worth watching because I really enjoy my alone time. I mean really what ever happened to people just not liking each other? Oh well, it will walk the line... until it all comes crashing down at the very end and we get confused like some other annoying harem anime out there.
Momo Kyun Sword... this anime answers the question of can an anime be even more pointless than certain other games that have similar amounts of tits and the answer is yes. Welcome to another anime where the only point of the anime is to draw a girl with huge boobs in sexy outfits. I mean the plot doesn't even really make sense. The main character doesn't make sense either. The anime itself gets boring because it is nothing buy fan service with clothing blowing up and them jumblies bouncing around. I mean geez what happened to people actually trying? Regardless that guy is dropped as well.
Hmm I guess if I pull from funimation I need to pull Shounen Hollywood. This one I leave up to personal choice really. I think one website I read said it best "This is FREE! with idols". So really it is more of a pick your posion kind of situation. You have a group of guys who are all coming together to form a boy band. They are all super hot and have egos and all the ususal drama that is generally left to females to instigate in a series. Including the fan boy from the past, he is kind of annoying. Not really a terrible series.. but you know I can only take so many fujoshi anime every season.
So there you have it, time to play catch up on the stuff that is not on this list. Of course you need to wait for hte next list to come out.. which will be soon I am trying to be less lazy that is always a challenge though. Regardless, I hope that maybe you can use this list to find a better use for your time.