Venting at Square
So for a long time I have been a fan of Square... soft or enix whatever you choose to call it. They were a good company who released good games that were fun to play and ate a bunch of time back when I could not afford to buy video games as often as I do now. There was a time when they came up with all this new cool stuff that was interesting and fun to play. Now I am not going to say that is completely gone, but it does feel like then enjoy spinning their wheels a great deal more these days.
Let me start off with Kingdom Hearts. There are what.. like 10 games out there now? I am not sure how many and I am too lazy to look up the exact number, but I know it is close to 10. All the games detail this very rich universe with plot and things going on and all that kind of stuff. A very rich universe that just sort of seems to sit there and spin around and do nothing. How many years has it been since Kingdom Hearts 2? I am not sure but it has been a while you know 8 or 9 years. In that time they have released any number of side stories to tie the universe together. Yet they cannot release the third game. Then of course they have their big E3 announcement of... Kingdom Hearts 2.5... ugh god what they could not find time to release 3 sometime in the past decade? I mean geez are they trying to kill their fan base?
Then there is the final fantasy series. First I had a fairly good laugh at the FFVII people when I heard that a mobile version of the Golden Saucer mini-game was going to come out. We all know that Square is not going to remake FFVII. It is not like FFX where they can just add a little definition to the character models and sell the same thing over again. They would actually have to develop a new game. You know not that they did not waste their time pumping out sequels for FFXIII. Oh no, they let that franchise die once it had flopped because it was actually a story about being on the run. What about that new game that has been sitting there for a while.. what was it FFXIII Versus or is it FFXV now? Ugh seriously why do they waste all their time doing nothing? When will that come out, we know it is probably just sitting on an HDD somewhere what are we going to wait for another generation to come out? I mean the only place they have not completely failed at is FFXIV and that is because they are trying to make sure that is not a flop.
I guess I would have less of a problem with all this if this company was not just pumping out other games. I mean I do not remember Square ever producing as many games as they currently are. Then again when did I ever actually pay attention to stuff when I was younger? It is just extremely disappointing to have such a good company start to sink because they cannot choose the right games to put out. I guess this year they are showing more promise.. but not enough to really make me thing they are going to do something worth while. I guess it is just going to be another 5 years of Teasers and empty promises. Oh well, at least I can enjoy what is out now.