The AKB48 Stuff
So you know it has been a while since I last voiced my opinion on something. I mean the fact that I own a website makes me an expert on whatever I want to be an expert on you know. So I should probably use my expert opinion on stuff. The problem is that a lot of "industry" news is pretty boring stuff at the end of the day. Most of it is "Who is coming to this con" and "When is this coming out". So I must reach outside a bit... and not be so lazy. Lucky for me there are places that give off pointless boring news that highlight people similar to me. I say similar to me because I am not as much of a netizen as I used to be. Anyway, there is this new thing with the AKB48.
So for those of you who do not know, the AKB48 is a group of young idols who compete with each other to get a record contract. Kind of like that other show that ruins phone service here. Anyway, One of their main selling points that this group has hand-shaking events. Where loyal fans, who have poured enough money into the group can go off and meet one of the girls they love and worship. Well in typical shut-in psychosis one of the fans came in and attacked a couple of the idols with a saw... yeah a saw... I think he was a fan anyway. Regardless, this prompted a whole new slew of security measures which has many fans upset.
Now in fairness the lack of security is why this guy came in and attacked people with a saw.. yeah a saw I am serious. I mean a simple metal detector could have saved them some trouble. Now all the net is in an uproar. I mean first off all these guys feel like they are being discriminated against... you know more... Well some do, some seem to be okay with the changes. I mean geez any other concert or event would involve security right? The rest seem to hate the world and feel that it is stupid to get all worked up because someone attacked people.. you know with a saw... probably the reason no one died. Anyway, yeah god forbid that they just brush off that event as something that happens. Well regardless, it happened... which is annoying... man these guys are really bitchy.
I mean first off a couple are suing the group. I am serious, I mean geez... how much time do these guys have on their hands? Well a lot since a lot of them are crazy, unemployed, sexually frustrated, psychopaths. The person doing this said that it was unfair or all his stuff lost value... I don't know... I think reading that article caused me permanent brain damage. Anyway, this guy spends $300 on CDs, that he will just throw away later, so he could shake the hand of this cute girl. Now that there is security around to protect people it loses its value or something. Man the complaints are kind of funny... I mean I think I have only seen just one of them that was valid. Apparently there is a metal fence between the front row and the stage. I guess it is okay to complain about that. You know since the whole point of getting a front row seat is to be close to the group.... but I digress... I am surprised such a thing was not there to begin with. So that one claim is... well okay I guess. The rest are the kind that give you brain damage.
So yeah something interesting and random that has happened over the past couple of weeks. I could try paying more attention to directors, and voice actors and stuff like that.. but I am lazy and watching anime takes up enough thought process that I can spend a lot more time doing that and not being obsessive... hmm I guess it will be time for summer anime soon. I can get away from all these creepy guys who spend thousands of dollars on CDs that will just be thrown in the garbage once they collect the ballot. I kind of do feel bad for those girls... you know since female artists are supposed to be targeted at females... but you know a bunch of guys worship them. Oh well, I guess that is just how things work out these days. AT least it is something other than the usual boring stuff.