What To Watch In Spring of 2014
Alright, now that I have most of all the anime finally entered in here it is time pick out a few for my amusement and pretend like I have some kind of weight in the shows people watch. Granted I do realize that it is a bit late in the season. One day I will get to the point where I get this done by week four.. you know when I am not lazy anymore. Anyway, as always these are in no particular order. Also just because I do not mention something here or on my don't watch blogs that does not mean that the show is bad. Either way it is really up to your opinion of the show.
So I am going to start off with one of my favorites from the season No Game No Life. This one is defintiely a must watch anime. I am really enjoying and kind of wish I had been lazy on watching it so that I could at least watch more in a row. This anime has that whole Death Note feel where everyone is plotting and planning. Really the best part of this show is watching the siblings play their games. They have some very intense battles that are a lot of fun to watch. Plus their random Hikikomori freak out sessions are fun to watch as well.
Now lets switch gears back over to just obnoxiousness with Kenzen Robo Daimidaler. You know as far as anime goes this one is pretty average... well below average as there is the formula that is followed. However, any anime where the main character gets super powers from fondling boobies is an anime worth watching. You cannot forget the beautiful and glorious front tails. I mean any anime that does that has to be given support. Not many creatures can let their front tail hang out like that.
It is time for another episode of world changing high school students. You know the students who are just in school yet they have some kind of major political authority. Hmmm Seikoku no Dragonar is not quite there yet but... you never know. It is one of those animes that has a great setting, but it runs the risk of sucking because it is school life. Then again, we have the fan club of the main character who is devoted to having the main character's kids. I would say that is something new and makes the show worth watching. Though I do not get the whole dragon thing yet, but hey there are dragons in it as well. So again, why not pick this one up?
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei is the wild card in my reviews this year. I guess it goes to show that you cannot judge a book by its cover. I think the main thing that makes this anime great is how they explain how or what magic is. It still runs on the idea of a talent for magic, but it is interesting to see high technology be the result of magic. I also like how the main character is overpowered and deserves to be. You know unlike other overpowered characters, the main character in this anime is a bad ass because he actually has skills. Not because of his powerful emotions. The fact that the main character is more bad ass than most of the honor students makes this anime a great one. The anime also takes a jab at the whole class system. Which is pretty interesting considering how much Japan likes its class system. This one is one that I count down to watch every week.
Alright, not my best work. Working is hard aver all. Anyway, these are the shows that I think are worth watching for sure this season. That is only 5 right? Well whatever, now I need to start thinking about the what not to watch segment. That way it can make a more convincing case than this blog. Anyway, I hope this helps people choose the rest of this season carefully.