Lessons's Learned On The Drive
Okay so it is official I have finally gotten to be moved to my new residence and it is permanent. No longer do I have two places, or do I have to worry about packing or cleaning or anything like that. Yes it is finally all over and I am glad I can relax. Too bad that means that I can no longer relax when it comes to the website.. I mean.. I have not been all that busy with moving and stuff... but moving provided a convenient excuse for me to get out and not do anything but be lazy and stuff. Lucky for me the new season just hit the number four and five episodes. Anyway I am bored so I think I will talk about my last segment of my trip.. getting my car here.
Sort of a random thoughts lessons learned kind of session. So lesson number one, my car is much less fun to drive when it is packed to the brink with stuff that I was not all that inclined to plan for when packing. I mean I drive a fast car... yet if I did anything that would be fun in my car.. well I would have rolled it and that would have been a problem since I am pretty sure that a rolling car with lots of stuff in it is worse than an empty one. It was particularly annoying driving through the only fun state to drive in.
Believe it or not Utah is probably the only fun state to drive in. You know since it was the only state that has 80 MPH speed limits when you get to the out skirts of the state. So of course that means that you can just sort of haul the entire way. Which was nice... it helped me make up for other things that I was not expecting.. you know like eating taking forever.. that can get in the way and be rather annoying when it comes to driving. I mean this is not a short drive.. yet here I am some how in two days. Of course I had to be driving west as well.
This is where lesson number two comes into place. When driving west that whole part of the trip really sucks during the night when you are getting tired. You know when the sun is setting and you have to spend the entire time driving looking into the sun? Okay maybe not the entire time, but enough of the time that it is painful and burns my eyes. It is particularly fun when there is fresh wet ground so the sun hits you from the street and sky. I guess I understand why it might be a good idea to have sunglasses or something like that.. you know that whole sun drying out my eyes thing.
Last, painful lesson to learn was driving into the city. You know it is amazing how people go from some what cautious drivers to complete sociopaths with no regard for human lives, even their own, when driving. This of course happened when I hit the city limits of the city I now live in. I mean literally crossed a line and suddenly I was blocked everywhere, being tail-gated and all those other annoying things that piss me off. I mean geez... how does that work out? Maybe why does it work that way. I was on the same interstate the whole time.. maybe it was just because my GPS died and I had no idea where I was going.
Last lesson of the trip. My poor kitty can only stay mad at me for leaving her behind for... well.. you know maybe like 5 minutes tops? I mean really, she was all timid and grumpy. Then all of the sudden she wanted all the love she could get and more. It was so cute to watch her play hard to get for that whole 5 minutes. All I had to do was step back out for a second and poof she was all love and cuddles. Now she is all over me and I cannot keep her out of the way while I type this. So I guess I had better wrap up so she can get some lap sitting time with me. I guess it is time to start writing out new anime descriptions along with any belated blogs... maybe I should finish off my tool for letting me post to this as well.. maybe another day right?