Another Elitiist - There Can Be Only One
So to continue my theories and ideas on the elitist of the anime world. I will now turn to the ones that basically say "There can be Only One". You see these guys around a little less often than we used too. These are the guys and girls who have only one anime, or even worse one character that is their sole obsession in the anime world. They will find something that is good about that anime and worship it. The rest of the anime out there be damned.
The earliest versions of these, that I remeber, were the DBZ fan boys. I guess there were also Pokemon and Sailor Moon ones as well.. but the DBZ ones seemed to be the most vocal. Then it eventually bleed out into the Shounen trinity and a few other really kind of Cult animes. It is not just limited to anime either. No you also have the Dr. Who fans, Bronies, and of course Marvel fans. I guess Marvel fans are a bit more tolerable because they can verse themselves in many things... but when it comes to not being Marvel they do not care. So they are all around, though I see less and less of them. You know they would not be so bad if they were not so damn obsessive.
If you encounter one of these be sure that you can identify their obsession, which is generally easy, and do your best to get things kind of correct. Stating something out of ignorance is going to get a negative reaction. If you state something blatantly wrong then this person will be forced to correct you. Depending upon the length of the show or how far in your statement is there might be a lecture to explain the significance of it. Just be sure to not insult their character.
Often times these guys have a favorite character of some kind. Even if you have seen the show and do not like that character make sure you pretend VERY HARD for their sake because it will be a personal insult to them to hear that you do not like their character. Sadly there is no way you can win that battle, you are walking into a gun fight with a knife. The best way to handle this situation is to get them to ask for your opinion. At least you can play the victim if they ask for your opinion and give it. Still it is nto a good idea to do anything like that.
On the plus side though this person will have one, if not many, copies of their favorite show. So lets say you are a little late to the trend. Make this person your friend and you can catch up free and clear. That is one good thing about this kind of elitist is they want to spread the wonderous culture that is their anime. Just do your best to watch it alone. Watching it with them will likely be painful since they are going to make sure to point out all the details that you do not care about while you are trying to get the main story. Lucky for you though they have seen the series a million times as they just put it in and watch it over and over and over again. However, unlucky for you now you fall back into the position of having to agree with them. After all, it is their favorite and only anime. Much like a missionary their job is to make you love the anime or die trying.
So yeah you guys out there are ruining the industry. The problem with anime is that it does eventually end. Not everyone wants ot make an epic manga or show that lasts for a full career. That is the problem with creative people. They get bored with that stuff eventually. Which makes life really hard on this kind of elitist. Plus if you only watch one anime and do not buy more the industry dies. I mean if you are going to obsess at least obsess on the author.. that way you can branch out. It is not like there is only one anime out there. Plenty of stories can be told and written in your lifetime. I am sure you will find plenty if you just give the others a chance and do not compare every little detail of your favorite show to the other anime out there.