Understanding the Brony Thing - Season 1
So over the past couple of years I have seen a sudden growth in the fanbase of My Little Ponies. You know that show that is supposed to teach young girls all the lessons of life. The unusual intellectual in me decided that given the size of the fanbase it was high time I looked into this phenomenon. It is something that I do whenever I something gets to the point of being big, and my lack of knowledge of why I cannot watch a show without good reason. So it has begun with this one. I have to start watching the show to understand why it sucks. So lucky for me I have managed to finish off the first season. So I will waste time and space writing up a set of thoughts for each season.
So lets start off with one thing that I noticed right off the bat. Have no noticed how all the males in the show are retarded, grunts, or jackasses? I mean really, watch the first season pretty much every male is a dreg of society. I guess there is one or two who are more than just grunts.. but still REALLY? I thought we were past that age of females seeing males as nothing more than work horses? Then again, since when have the standards for female shows ever been under the same scrutiny as the male shows? Well regardless, it is something that I noticed that I did not like right away. Then there is the whole lack of conflict.
I love how they made up this whole lore that we can set up a struggle between good and evil. So what did they do, they wrapped it up in two episodes. Seriously, there could have been this whole season where the characters bonded and became friends against a common foe. Instead the bad guy is beaten and changes sides after two episodes. That was one of my more or less favorite flaws in the series. I mean really, you have something to grow and work into the world. However, the show shuts it out immediately in favor of the usual mindless childhood lesson drivel.
I guess the whole Twilight Sparkle learning friendship is one of those things that can take precedence. After all, it is not like people learn this stuff on their own. I guess this is one of the points that I saw in the Bronies panel, the life lessons that teach even adults about life. I guess we missed that in our cartoons. Well it is more like we did not pay attention. I mean... I cannot remember what I watched as a kid. I do not think the same lessons were in Sailor Moon. Maybe they were, I was more mystified with the short skirts in that show. Hmm.. I do not remember much for my He-Man days either. Well whatever, I guess you do not need an age to learn a life lesson. After all, most of us are shut-ins who have not really ever experienced life during our days. At least it is cute right?
I guess that is something that we really lack in the states. Shows which are incredibly cute. I remember this point at the Brony panel as well. Most kids cartoons these days, in the states, are designed to be goofy or cool not really cute. So the whole cute thing was a nice distraction from the rest of the show. The whole cute factor made the humor better as well.. or am I just making that up? I am not sure at this point. Regardless, that is the one redeeming quality that the show has right now. So I figure I might as well bring out that it was not all bad.
So yeah I am not really sure why this show is so incredibly awesome to be honest. I guess that I will keep on watching through it. God I hope that I can get through the rest of the seasons by season three. I mean I cans ay that it i snot bad or anything like. However, it is one of those shows that I am just not excited to watch again. I mean if there was only one season of the show I would likely forget that a second season might come out and miss a couple of seasons of the show waiting for it to come back our something like that. Ok.. hmmm you know I have to remember that I need to watch anime right? THat is what this site is about right?