Those Other Cigarettes
So I have noticed a trend recently as I drive by gas stations and go into stores to buy booze. This interesting trend of electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. So I have been seeing these for quite a while actually, granted they were only in pretty random places and kind of hard to find years ago. Now they seem to be in full bloom and being distributed everywhere. Now I am not one to really care for such a trend, nor am I really any kind of health expert... but... why exactly are these going around?
Yes they are not as bad as traditional smoking.. I get that much. However, people seem to think that they are harmless. First off there is no way that is water in those things. I mean yeah water might be an ingredient, but lets not forget that water boils at extremely high temperatures. True enough we have humidifiers, but those are large machines with a some what complicated mechanism. There is not way that we have crammed that technology down into the size of a cigarette. No likely we just use a chemical compound that evaporates when air runs over the liquid. That is why so many of these things are only good for a certain amount of puffs. Plus since it is a liquid as long as you are careful you can put pretty much whatever you want into the liquid.
Which likely means that a lot of these so called wonderful devices have nicotine in them. You know that stuff that is the primary addicting agent in cigarettes? After all, that has been identified as the main cause of the problem. I mean we have nicotine gum to "help" smokers stop smoking. Now if most of these things were just this special chemical it would be one thing, but then there are the ones that have flavors. This adds to the chemical content of the inhalant that you are consuming. So while I am sure that there is a great deal less chemicals in these than in regular cigarettes... that does not mean that they are safe at all.
It is one thing for us to eat some of the stuff that we eat... true enough the digestive system is not all that great for catching EVERYTHING in food, but it is still one of our primary systems for detoxing our bodies. As where the lungs are just used to exchange gases. So a good chunk of these chemicals can still stick in our lungs and/or go into our body and react with it poorly. That is the problem with things that we inhale. I guess you get the added benefit of not having to inhale really hot air.. but really we are not being much healthier.
So I guess I am running out of space to thing up of things. I am no real expert... but I just cannot help but feel these e-cigarettes are just another waste of time. Really all they feel like they are doing is giving people cancer a few years later... not really making people healthy. After all, inhaling crap into your lungs is still a bad thing. Our bodies are designed to help us filter some stuff.. but when it comes to the lungs the body is not that good at filtering. Hmm well regardless, just something that I have noticed. Our wonderful advances in technology are slowing the processes we use to kill ourselves just enough. Anyway enough babbling.. I just wanted to think out loud about this thing. Now I am bored with it so I am going to go somewhere else.