As I Hit Another Dead End and See a Movie
So as it turns out python on GoDaddy does not have the logging module. So one of my biggest endeavors, for this next version of the site, is not going to happen. But I guess I have to understand as it is a security risk to give read write access to a web app. Guess until I get my own server infrastructure running I am stuck in their rules. While I am not to happy, I am not in any real place to complain. So for the time being I will just deal with the various restrictions I have with a standard hosting account. Seeing as how getting anything more would cost way more than I can currently afford.
In other news I went and saw The Watchmen and I must say, as someone who has never heard of this "Most celebrated graphic novel of all time " I was rather pleased. I can definitely see where it gets off being so popular. It is a very large leap from your standard super hero comic, from the little I read. I definitely liked the amoral heros in this movie. They did not really pussyfoot around with the bad guys. If the bad guys did not cooperate they may not survive. I also liked how all of the heros fell in some way shape or form. Whether they were killed or they lost their mind. All I can say is that the reality in which this universe was centered was a very unique one. Sadly they let the guy who directed 300 get his hands on it.
The main thing that I liked was that there was not extra narration. That annoyed the piss out of me in 300. There would be lots of movie and then out of now where a voice came out, and told us what was going on. God was that annoying, their could have been plenty of dialog in there to suggest the characters feelings and such. However, I was not the one directing so who am I to judge. So keeping in the tradition of 300 there was nice amount of nudity and sex scenes, which has my mind wandering, then it wanders on home using logic. How could an "R" rated movie have such wonderfully acted sex scenes. Logic of course hits with the obvious lack of obvious penetration. Which leads me to wonder how that scene was filmed. Did they seriously just pretend to have sex? Because my hat is off to them if they were just pretending. Maybe they both wore cups or some other kind of genital shield.
Anyway my wandering mind aside, I felt it was a good movie. Sadly I doubt that people are going to take this as just a movie. I bet if I actually read the comic, which I intend to do, I might find some inconsistencies and missing "Key" elements. However, no one is perfect, some things just do not work out on film as they do on paper. Then again I like to think I am not a fanboy. In this case I can be certain as I had not even heard of the comic until I saw the movie preview during The Dark Knight. Either way I would recommend going to see the movie. Next on the list of Crappy movies to see Dragonball:Evolution.