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Ah blogging, what is there to blog about? I ask this question and find myself answering not too much. Then again I am not sure what a blog is, if not the ranting of some individual. Although it is funny how anyone who can find an access point to the internet can pretend to be a journalist. Most of the time you just need to throw in a few key words and you are slowly on your way to internet fame. Then again it is hard to make a name for yourself when you throw a bottled message into a sea of bottled messages. Yet people continue to throw their bits out to the internet.
I think it is funny to think that this blogging is a social thing. If I am not mistaken a blog is supposed to be like a diary. You know those pen and paper things where you keep your personal thoughts and hide them from everyone else, for fear of ridicule. But these days people write stuff in their blogs and then go off to share them with their friends. This makes no sense to me, personally. I always saw the internet as a method to anonymously bash people, ideas, things, or.. uhh stuff. However, since this is a public thing, I try to constructively bash things. You know bash things in a way that is coherent, and useful to people. It is a way of spreading information while making other people feel like idiots. Many people have figured out this as well. Then there is the mystic art of making money off this thing.
How the fuck do people do it? How is it that I am sitting here paying money to keep this space up and going, and others are making money typing on some free blog? Then again what is a better job than sitting around giving people your opinion. Seriously how the fuck do people do it? I mean you get paid to type, this is not journalism. At least journalists have to go out and do something. It is these people who just give out their opinion and make money. It is funny what the internet has done.