The Snow Storm
You know I love how seriously so many people take the snow storm where I live.. I mean really it is really funny. With the way Wally World was packed you would have thought it was the apocalypse. The nukes had been let loose and we all only had 36 hours to get to our bunkers and pray for a better tomorrow. The truth of the matter is that most of the snow had fallen out side of the city. Still it is funny to watch the people scurry around. I mean really how many people are actually going to get hurt? I mean most people are not going to call in sick to work or anything like that. They will keep living their lives as they normally do. Only difference is that they will have that extra stuff just in case.
It is kind of sad how poorly people deal with snow these days, back in my day everyone just dealt with it. Yeah I am an old man, I am already saying crap like that. When I was a kid it had to snow 20 inches for anyone to really budge. Now if it snows a half an inch.. well guess what the whole city shuts down. I wonder why that is. Maybe too many law suits from those people who lived in warm states? I do not know.. there is not much else that I can do other than laugh at it.
Granted the government was more than willing to shut down. I wanted to go to the library today and study. Well they library had already shut down. I mean it is not like it is that far or there was that much snow. It is more dangerous at night because of the fact that it is all ice now. However, I digress, any excuse for the government to shut down and not pay its employes I guess. Oh well, at least I have no reason to drive myself around. I can just sit back and relax and play video games. It has been pretty funny seeing all of this though. Oh well at least the season is almost over. Next is people bitching about the heat.