Things are Healthy and Almost Done
I would have posted something sooner, however, I caught something from work and have been a bit preoccupied being sick. It is hard to focus sometimes when you cannot tell if you are hungry of if you are going to throw up. Figures the one 3 day weekend I get this month I get to be home sick all day. There are a couple of days of skiing I won't get back, not that the snow was anything to be proud of.
Anyway, updates on the anime section, I am almost done with it. I just need to put my new CSS up and test the last bit of code, as well as, enter in some data and everything will be done. Well not completely done, I am still going to be ironing out some issues over the next few weeks, as well as slowly entering data. However, the code itself is done. So be looking for something in the next week or so and you shall have it.