The first bad, is that this series is pretty basic. It is like watching normal people live their lives. All of the characters are like actual people. They all hold similar interests, mindsets, beliefs that kind of thing. They lack any kind of real diversity. Which is kind of annoying, I get enough of that in most American TV shows. Really the only difference in characters is their appearance. They tried their damnedest to get every kind of female body type fetish into this show. Then there is the first Episode hook.
Yes, they rope you into watching this series with the first episode. They make it all mystical and bad ass. Like it could have some really awesome plot and happenings, in the form of explosions. I would say and nudity, but they cover that. Anyway, from there they spend the majority of the show being a sitcom, where nothing really goes on. I mean the most interesting part is when the school gets destroyed. But really before the last 2 or 3 episodes it is just pointless. They try to develop the characters and relationships between them. And they do an average job. However, they needed to make this more of the mystical magical series that it is, instead of throwing all that stuff into the last couple of episodes.
Finally there is an abandonment complex, two actually. One is more than enough for me to hate. I do not know what it is with the Japanese and making abandoned children main characters but it gets old. It would not be so incredibly annoying if these characters were not all the same. They all hate being alone, so they try to surrond themselves with friends. Then when they see someone who could give or take people being around them, they go off and force these others to be around people. And they always go off on the same rant. You know, how it is so horrible to be all alone. Seriously, I am fine with you having a problem with it, but that does not mean I have a problem with being alone.
Finally there is the standard cousin loving. Yup the female cousin wants the male cousin to plow her so badly it hurts. This is yet another carbon copy character that has to be in anime. It is cute, you know the cousin is REALLY close to her cousin. But why do they all have to act the same when the male does not choose them? Wait why the hell do they have to have a crush on them? I guess these are differences in society's standards, but seriously why? I mean can't cousins just be good friends?